Friday, May 04, 2007

Healthy Skin Care

Your skin is like a sponge. It absorbs a great deal of what you put on it, directly into your bloodstream.

When you eat, the food you put into your body is filtered through your liver and some of the toxic effect is reduced.

That's not the case with skin care products. There is no filter to reduce the toxic effects as there is when you eat. Many skin care products contain harmful chemicals that go directly into your bloodstream. Some cause cancer.

How do you determine which skin care products are healthy to use and which are not?

You have several choices.

You could learn to read and interpret labels so you know exactly what each ingredient is that's listed on the label.

You could shop for products that have been screened by an expert and determined to be healthy.

Or you can learn how to make your own.

Finding healthy skin care products isn't hard if you have the right resources. It just takes a little conscious effort and a commitment to your good health.

Check out our healthy Product of the Month. Come back every month to discover a new healthy product.