Thursday, May 10, 2007

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #57

Cosmetic complaints

The FDA maintains the Cosmetic Adverse Reaction Monitoring Database to keep track of adverse reactions to cosmetics. The FDA estimates, however, that it receives only a small percentage of complaints about cosmetics filed by consumers. Poison control centers, manufacturers and distributors, and state and local agencies are more likely to receive complaints of adverse reactions to cosmetics.

The most common complaints reported to the FDA in 1999 were related to dermatitis, fragrance sensitivity, nervous system reactions, pain, respiratory system reactions, and tissue damage.

If you experience adverse reactions to cosmetics, you can contact the FDA:

• by phone: 301-436-2405
• by e-mail:
• call the nearest FDA district office found in the blue pages of your phone book

Note: It is very unlikely that you'll need to file a complaint if you use the information in Dying To Look Good to choose healthy products.