Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #56

Most companies using parabens, maintain that they are nontoxic and safe. But while they may be relatively nontoxic, according to Peter Eckhart, M.D., "The new theory that has been espoused since 1991 is that these xenoestrogens are causing many female problems such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts, fibrocystic breast disease, premenstrual syndrome, and most recently menstrual cramps."

While it's true that xenoestrogens build up in the fatty tissues of the body and may remain there for decades, the first step in eliminating them from your body is through avoidance of the chemicals, not only in personal care products, but also in food and in your environment. The chemicals listed above are only a partial list of endocrine disrupters. The complete list and additional information can be obtained from

Find out about all the other harmful chemicals that you may be putting on your skin every day that are being absorbed into your bloodstream and affecting your health.