A lot of products are marketed as organic these days because consumers want more organic products. But don't believe the label. There are a number of products on the market that say "organic" on the label, but that not only are not organic, but they also contain the cancer-causing contaminant 1,4-dioxane.
This cancer-causing chemical may be found in products with ingredients like "polyethylene," "polyethylene glycol," "polyoxyethylene," "oxynol," or those that end in "-eth," or contain "PEG" in the name.
In addition, many so-called "cheater brands" claim to be organic when they may have only a token organic ingredient or none at all. I was in a department store with my daughter a couple weeks ago and there was a display of large bottles of a body care product with "Organic" in large letters on the front of the label. I looked at the list of ingredients in the product. There was not one single ingredient in that product that was organic. There wasn't even a single herb or ingredient that even sounded like it might be natural. It was totally, 100% synthetic chemicals!
If the front of the label is all you look at when you buy body care products, you will be fooled most of the time because there are not that many honest brands on the market. To get truly organic products, you must read the ingredients list, in the tiny print, on the back of the package.
Click here if you need help reading and understanding ingredients.
Click here if you want to buy healthy products without having to read ingredients.