Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #45

MSG In Your Personal Care Products

MSG is short for monosodium glutamate, but it also applies to processed free glutamic acid (glutamic acid that has been freed from protein through a manufacturing process or fermentation). I’m sure you’re aware of MSG in food, the effects it can cause and the controversy surrounding its safety. But did you know that MSG could also be hidden in your cosmetics and personal care products?

When you use products on your skin that contain MSG, it’s absorbed directly into your bloodstream.

MSG is a neurotoxin, which means it crosses the blood-brain barrier and the placental barrier and excites nerve cells to death. Because it affects the brain directly, it can cause a wide variety of symptoms from asthma attacks, skin rashes, behavioral problems, depression and migraine headaches to epilepsy and Alzheimer’s.

Even more frightening is that MSG is much more harmful to infants and children because, in some, their blood-brain barrier does not fully develop until as late as puberty. As a result, it’s a lot easier for neurotoxins to cross the blood-brain barrier in infants and children and cause more serious reactions than in adults. Even a fully developed blood-brain barrier is considered by neuroscientists to be leaky at best.

More next time...

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