Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Healthy Skin Care Products

A lot of skin care products on the market claim to be all natural and contain healthy ingredients, but if you read the ingredients list, you'll find that's not the case. Most will contain at least one or two objectionable ingredients, usually more.

It's very frustrating and disheartening for you, the consumer when you're making a conserted effort to avoid harmful ingredients and choose healthy products. Even many companies who have signed the Compact for Global Production of Safe and Healthy Beauty Products use ingredients in their products that are undesirable.

So how are you supposed to be able to confidently choose healthy cosmetics and skin care products? Even buying your products in a health food store does not guarantee that the ingredients will be safe and healthy.

Well, I've made it easy for you. In Dying To Look Good, I list 1300 ingredients commonly used in cosmetics and personal care products and rate them according to safety, and I also list 750 products that I have personally evaluated for safety. And to make it even easier for you, on DyingToLookGood.com, I have links to healthy products that you can feel confident that they contain safe and healthy ingredients. One of my favorite product lines is Deep Steep. Click the link and you'll even get a discount on your purchase.