Shopping for cosmetics and personal care products is hazardous to your health … if you’re not reading and interpreting every label on every package you buy. Don’t buy one package or jar off the shelf … until you read and interpret every label. Harmful ingredients in your toiletries destroy your health and keep you unhealthy. Don’t let dangerous ingredients make you sick!
Numerous chemicals commonly found in antiperspirants and deodorants have been linked to breast cancer. Initially the research targeted the parabens, however, new research is also pointing to chemicals like aluminum compounds.
Read more here.
While this article was written a few years ago, it is as true today as it was then.
Selecting deodorant products with only safe and healthy ingredients is vitally important, not only for women, but for men as well. Find healthy deodorants from several companies here.
Are you bored with ‘managing’ your weight, sick of ‘watching’ every thing you put in your mouth, or tired of being embarrassed when you look at your body in the mirror?
What if there was another way to be a woman?
A way that honored all of you, just the way you are, rather than just what you’re not? A way that recognized everything you DO do, rather than just what you don’t? A way that helped us decide who and how we WANT to be, rather than trying to fit us in the picture of perfect in a magazine or movie?
There is a way, it’s called The Body Image Revolution, and it starts today, Thursday October 21, I’m part of it and you can be too. I am teaming up with eleven other international body image experts in one big Telesummit to bring you the real facts about your weight and your health, Practical 'How-To' Tips to help you see your body and your life, just how it is right now, in a new light that is more real, more powerful, and more YOU.
Did you know that there's enough fluoride in a tube of toothpaste to kill a 3-year old child ... if the child ate the whole tube?
Do you want to use chemicals in your mouth, that can be absorbed directly into your bloodstream, that have the potential to cause serious injury or even death?
Here's a healthier and more effective alternative.
Dr. Christine H. Farlow is "The Ingredients Investigator." She is a Doctor of Chiropractic who has helped thousands improve their health through nutrition and the elimination of harmful ingredients from food, cosmetics and personal care products.
She's a veteran at helping people solve their health challenges naturally, without the use of drugs.
The study of nutrition has been a passion for Dr. Farlow since 1975. Before becoming a doctor, people were coming to her unsolicited, asking for nutritional advice. She’s been counseling patients professionally since 1984 and researching ingredients in foods, cosmetics and personal care products since 1991.
Dr. Farlow is the author of three health and nutrition books:
FOOD ADDITIVES: A Shopper's Guide...
HEALTHY EATING: For Extremely Busy People...
Her books evolved out of her experience counseling patients back to health and wellness.