Shopping for cosmetics and personal care products is hazardous to your health … if you’re not reading and interpreting every label on every package you buy. Don’t buy one package or jar off the shelf … until you read and interpret every label. Harmful ingredients in your toiletries destroy your health and keep you unhealthy. Don’t let dangerous ingredients make you sick!
Shampoo ingredients are most likely the last thing on your mind when choosing your shampoo. You're probably most interested in what the shampoo is going to do for your hair. How soft, silky and shiny will it make your hair look? Does it make it look healthy? What about repairing damaged ends? Will it make your hair look thicker? Will it give you great looking hair like those models you see in the TV commercials?
These are the kinds of questions that the manufacturers have conditioned you to think about. They spend millions of dollars on advertising campaigns telling you all the wonderful benefits their shampoos offer your hair. Reading the ingredients list on your shampoo bottle before you buy is the last thing they want you to do.
The majority of shampoos on the market contain ingredients that have harmful effects on your body. A number of these ingredients even cause cancer.
Why should you be concerned about cancer-causing ingredients in your shampoo? You only use it on your hair. What's the harm in that?
That's a good question. The ingredients in your shampoo, like in any product you use on the outside of your body, can be absorbed through your pores into your bloodstream. A number of the shampoos containing cancer-causing chemicals also contain ingredients, called penetration enhancers, that increase how much of the ingredients actually get absorbed into your body.
Here's a program that will help you get get on track and eliminate all those chemicals in your cosmetics and personal care products that are destroying your health - in 100 days.
Combine this with Dying To Look Good "Best Brands" so you have easy access to products from more than 20 companies with the safest and healthiest ingredients on the market - Guaranteed! No checking ingredients or hunting for companies that produce top quality, safe products. The work's already been done for you. Just pick and choose!
This is a winning combination.
Are you willing to rise to the challenge - for your health and the health of your family?
Here's to your health and your success!
Christine H. Farlow, D.C. The Ingredients Investigator Protecting you from harmful ingredients
Did you know that cancer-causing chemicals have been found in the skin care products you use every day? In fact, they’ve even been found in those labeled as natural and organic! Cancer has been the second leading cause of death in the U.S. for many years … and it still is. Even children are getting cancer, and their rate is increasing. It’s time to find out how to protect yourself and your family.
Now, you may be wondering …
Are you kidding me? How is that possible? There are so many rules and regulations in this country, surely there are some laws to protect the consumer from cancer-causing ingredients in skin care products, especially those that claim to be natural and organic!
Well, the truth of the matter is there are NOT!
The cosmetics and skin care industry is unregulated. The FDA cannot tell them what chemicals they can use and which they cannot. The ingredients used, even in skin care products labeled as natural and organic aren’t even required to be tested for safety. In fact, a study on the safety of 7,500 personal care products, done by the Environmental Working Group in 2004 found that 99.6% of the products tested contained one or more ingredients that had never been tested for safety by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review, the industry’s self proclaimed watchdog!
So, how do you find products that are safe and healthy?
Announcing … the quickest, simplest, easiest way to choose safe and healthy, natural and organic cosmetics, skin care and personal care products NOW … without ever having to read a single ingredients list!
I know you want to use safe and healthy, natural and organic skin care and body care products because you’re reading this page.
Choosing the safest and healthiest products just got easier.
You may be among the many people who are frustrated with reading ingredients lists, or just choose not to. Or maybe you just want a little easier way to pick your products.
Now you don’t have to read ingredients lists when you want to buy natural or organic products for your skin care. You don’t have to wonder any more if the products contain cancer-causing contaminants. That work has already been done for you.
Dying To Look Good "Best Brands" lists the safest and healthiest natural and organic cosmetics, skin care, body care and personal care products on the market. They have been thoroughly researched to make sure their ingredients are truly pure, natural, safe and healthy.
It's a 3-month membership program. You'll receive weekly product lists, every week for 12 weeks. Each week, you'll also get information on one company whose entire product line is exceptional. In fact, there are more than 12 companies that have been identified as having superior healthy and safe products. So, there will be bonus "Company Spotlights" coming to you every once in a while, between your regular weekly product lists.
Many companies in this program are offering discounts to Dying To Look Good "Best Brands" members. And the best part, many of the discounts can be used more than once and some will even be in effect after your membership expires.
Learn more about how you can make choosing healthy, organic and natural skin care products for yourself and your family quicker and easier, and how you can save money in the process.
Yours in health,
Christine H. Farlow, D.C. The Ingredients Investigator Protecting you from harmful ingredients
February 24 was the launch of the much-anticipated Health Revolution Petition.
This petition is a groundbreaking new petition that calls for real, revolutionary health freedom reforms in America! If its provisions are enacted, it would:
End FDA tyranny and oppression of natural product companies
End the persecution of alternative medicine and healing arts practitioners
Ban GMOs in the food supply and require honest labeling of irradiated foods
Protect America from CODEX "harmonization"
Allow full income tax deductions for ALL health-related expenditures (herbs, supplements, gym memberships, etc.)
Provide $350 a month in health care credits to each U.S. resident, allowing them to spend it on the health-enhancing products and services of their choice
End mandatory vaccination policies across America
Restore honest science to the FDA's review of drugs
Require the open publication of all drug trials
End Big Pharma's bribery of doctors
Hold drug company CEO's criminally liable for the harm caused by drugs they advertise to consumers
Restrict the advertising of junk foods and soda pop to children
Ban man-made, non-natural chemicals in personal care products
Invest in disease prevention and consumer education about nutrition
Protect the environment from dangerous drugs that pollute the water supply
... and more. If you believe in these things, and you are a resident or citizen of the USA, then please ...
Dr. Christine H. Farlow is "The Ingredients Investigator." She is a Doctor of Chiropractic who has helped thousands improve their health through nutrition and the elimination of harmful ingredients from food, cosmetics and personal care products.
She's a veteran at helping people solve their health challenges naturally, without the use of drugs.
The study of nutrition has been a passion for Dr. Farlow since 1975. Before becoming a doctor, people were coming to her unsolicited, asking for nutritional advice. She’s been counseling patients professionally since 1984 and researching ingredients in foods, cosmetics and personal care products since 1991.
Dr. Farlow is the author of three health and nutrition books:
FOOD ADDITIVES: A Shopper's Guide...
HEALTHY EATING: For Extremely Busy People...
Her books evolved out of her experience counseling patients back to health and wellness.