Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #32

Antibacterial Soaps

Antibacterial soaps have been widely embraced as a way to "kill germs" and prevent illness. But not all bacteria are harmful. And not all "germs" are bacteria.

Some bacteria are beneficial and your body needs them. Antibacterial soaps cannot distinguish between harmful and helpful bacteria. It kills all bacteria. When the healthy bacteria that your body needs have been "washed away," it leaves you more susceptible to illness from harmful bacteria.

Recent studies show that triclosan, one of the most common antibacterial agents used in soaps, acts like an antibiotic in the way it kills bacteria and may contribute to the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

To be continued...

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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #31

Acrylic Nails Continued...

Acrylic nails have been found to harbor bacteria, fungi and viruses. Significantly higher levels of these microorganisms have been detected on the hands of people with acrylic nails compared with those without.

Allergic reactions may occur when the chemicals come in contact with the skin surrounding the nails causing redness, swelling and itching to occur around the nail and even causing the nail to separate from the nail bed.

In addition, your nails are porous. Chemicals that come in contact with them can be absorbed through the nail bed into your bloodstream.

Next time ... Antibacterial Soaps

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #30

Acrylic Nails

Artificial nails, even though they may look great, are in fact harmful to your health and the health of your nails.

The chemicals used to attach and remove acrylic nails are toxic. Ethyl methacrylate most commonly used to glue on acrylic nails, is an eye and skin irritant. Inhaling it can cause headaches, dizziness and nausea. It can also cause asthma and allergic reactions.

Methyl methacrylate was banned in 1974 after it was proven harmful. It is still being used in some establishments "because it's cheap, effective and easy to get despite the ban," according to Evelyn Burgett, Cosmetology Inspector for the state of Tennessee.

More on acrylic nails next time...

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Monday, September 18, 2006

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #29

Special Topics Continued...

As of this writing, there is a proposed bill in California, which if passed, would require manufacturers to notify the state of any products they manufacture that contain ingredients linked to cancer or birth defects. EWG identified 155 products that would be affected if the bill passes. It passed the California Assembly's Health Committee on June 28, 2005 and was placed on the Suspense Calendar until after August 15.

According to EWG, “California’s bill also opens the door for national reform of loose standards for personal care products that essentially have industry lobbyists in control of determining if the ingredients their companies use are safe.” If this bill passes, it could be the first step in seeing safer cosmetics available to consumers.

You can follow the developments in this and other environmental safety issues at www.ewg.org.

Here’s a brief look at some topics, that you should be aware of, that are important to your health, including both products and ingredients.

Next time ... Acrylic Nails

Have all this information at your fingertips for your ready reference just when you need it.

Note: The California cosmetics bill became law in October 2005.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #28

Special Topics

There are some products on the market that people use, … just because everyone does, or because they make your face, skin, hands, hair or teeth look beautiful, or because the manufacturer, through their million dollar advertising campaigns has convinced you that you just can’t live without it. That it will make you more beautiful, sexier and will lure your perfect partner to you.

Until recently, most people didn’t even think about what’s in the product or if it’s even safe to put on their skin. They just thought about what it’s going to do for them, how it’s going to make them look or feel and how attractive it will make them to the opposite sex.

But that’s changing now. There’s a growing consciousness toward using safer and healthier products. And it’s turning out that a number of the products that people just took for granted because of what it “did for them,” are actually causing harm.

To be continued...

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #27

Safety Tips Continued...

  • Throw away products in which there has been a change in color or odor.

  • Do not use eye makeup if you have an eye infection. Discard all products you were using when you discovered the infection.

  • Keep makeup out of sunlight.

  • Close makeup containers tightly when not in use.

  • Many aerosol products are flammable. Do not use near heat or while smoking. Do not inhale hairsprays and powders. They may cause lung damage.

Next time ... Special Topics

Find out more about Dying To Look Good here.