Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #51

Sunscreens Continued...

  • Both chemical suncreens and physical sunblocks have been shown to cause the formation of free radicals with exposure to sunlight. Excess free radicals are known to cause cancer.
  • A Swiss study showed that five commonly used chemicals in sunscreens were xenoestrogens, endocrine disrupters, and they actually increased the growth of cancer cells. See “Xenoestrogens in Your Personal Care Products,” page 39.
  • Most, if not all, sunscreens include a hydrolyzed protein. All hydrolyzed proteins contain processed free glutamic acid (MSG).
  • Research has shown that excess omega-6 fats in the diet actually contribute to the occurrence of cancer, including melanoma.

More next time...

Get the rest of the information on Sunscreens RIGHT NOW... and even more information on how to protect yourself from harmful ingredients in all your cosmetics and personal care products.