Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #36

Cosmetics That Require a Warning on the Label Continued...

According to the Environmmental Working Group, of the 7500 products they tested, nearly one in 20 contained one or more ingredients that the CIR found did not have sufficient test data to support the ingredients' safe use in cosmetics. Under federal law, passed in 1995, if a cosmetic product's safety has not been established, the product’s label must read: "WARNING: The safety of this product has not been determined."

The EWG did not find any warnings on the labels of the products whose ingredients contained insufficient data to support safety, based on a partial evaluation. Unless studies were done to provide the information needed for these ingredients to be classified as safe, "the manufacturers of these products may be in violation of federal law."

In their evaluations, the EWG also noted that the industry routinely ignores the recommendations of the CIR on the safe use of ingredients as determined by the panel.

Shop for products that have been determined to have only safe and healthy ingredients.