Thursday, September 14, 2006

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #28

Special Topics

There are some products on the market that people use, … just because everyone does, or because they make your face, skin, hands, hair or teeth look beautiful, or because the manufacturer, through their million dollar advertising campaigns has convinced you that you just can’t live without it. That it will make you more beautiful, sexier and will lure your perfect partner to you.

Until recently, most people didn’t even think about what’s in the product or if it’s even safe to put on their skin. They just thought about what it’s going to do for them, how it’s going to make them look or feel and how attractive it will make them to the opposite sex.

But that’s changing now. There’s a growing consciousness toward using safer and healthier products. And it’s turning out that a number of the products that people just took for granted because of what it “did for them,” are actually causing harm.

To be continued...

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