Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #42

Hair Dyes Continued...

Here's the EWG's list of Top 10 Ingredients of Concern in Hair Dye based upon their research:
  • P-phenylenediamine
  • P-animophenol
  • M-aminophenol
  • Phenyl Methyl Pyrazolone
  • 4-amino-2-hydroxytoluene
  • 1-naphthol
  • N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine
  • O-aminophe+nol
  • Lead acetate
  • HC Red No. 3

*Excerpted and modified from "Shades of Risk" by Shelley Page, published in the Ottawa Citizen, April 18, 2005. Used with permission.

Next time Micronized Minerals...

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Monday, November 27, 2006

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #41

Hair Dyes Continued...

In the summer of 2004, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) analyzed 117 hair dyes. It found:
  • 62 per cent of products contained ingredients that are known or probable carcinogens, including dyes derived from coal tar

  • One product contained lead acetate, a known reproductive toxin

  • 79 per cent of products contained ingredients that contained impurities linked to breast cancer

  • 96 per cent of products contained penetration enhancers that increase exposures to carcinogens and other ingredients of concern

  • 73 per cent of products contained ingredients that are known allergens.

More next time...

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Monday, November 20, 2006

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #40

Hair Dyes Continued...

"Researchers from the University of Southern California's (USC) School of Medicine found in 2001 that women using permanent hair dye at least once a month more than double their risk of bladder cancer. If they used it monthly for more than 15 years, they tripled their risk. The risk of bladder cancer was highest among smokers who regularly used hair dyes."

In 2003 the FDA's National Center for Toxicological Research reported that it found a known carcinogen, 4-ABP, in eight of 11 hair dye products bought off the shelf at supermarkets and hair salons. It was not listed as a regular ingredient, but was likely a contaminant formed as a byproduct of the dye-making process according to the researchers.

More next time...

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #39

Hair Dyes Continued...

In 2004, a "study by Yale researcher Tongzhang Zheng found that long-term use of permanent hair dye, in dark colors, doubles a person's risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma"

"The EU watchdog, known as the Scientific Committee on Cosmetic and Non-Food Products Intended for Consumers (SCCNFP), is worried about fatal allergies caused by hair dyes, as well as "new and improved" studies linking dyes to cancer. SCCNFP has strongly criticized hair-dye manufacturers for failing to prove hair dyes are safe and has ordered urgent research to be conducted on the health implications of permanent hair dyes or the product could face a ban. In the meantime, it has warned consumers not to use hair dyes, particularly dark dyes."

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #38

Hair Dyes

The industry maintains that "hair dyes are one of the most thoroughly studied consumer products on the market today" and they're safe. However, there is a growing body of scientific evidence pointing to an increased risk of bladder cancer and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma associated with the use of permanent hair dyes, especially the darker colors.

Here are some facts about hair dyes reported in "Shades of Risk," by Shelley Page:

"A study published in the January/February 2005 issue of Public Health Reports, the official journal of the U.S. Public Health Service, found that the use of permanent hair dyes among men and women increases the risk of developing bladder cancer by up to 50 per cent compared to those who don't use hair dye."

More next time...

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Dying To Look Good Excerpt #37

Grapefruit Seed Extract

The safety of grapefruit seed extract (GSE) is controversial. On the one hand, some companies are removing grapefruit seed extract from their products. On the other, some say it’s non-toxic and has no harmful side-effects.

Grapefruit seed extract has been used for many years as a safe alternative to chemical preservatives. However, a study done in 1999 in Germany on six samples of grapefruit seed extract showed contamination with benzethonium chloride in five of the six samples tested. Three of these five samples were also found to contain triclosan and methyl paraben. Each of these samples showed antimicrobial activity. The one sample that contained no preservatives showed no antimicrobial activity. This study concluded that the antimicrobial activity of grapefruit seed extract was due to the chemical preservatives detected, not to the grapefruit seed extract.

Conversely, Nutribiotics, one of the major suppliers of grapefruit seed extract, states that their grapefruit seed extract products have been “proven clean” and effective by independent laboratory tests. They assert that grapefruit seed extract has been used safely for many years. It is “non-toxic, biodegradable, economical, with no harmful side-effects.”

So, when choosing products containing grapefruit seed extract, make sure the grapefruit seed extract in the products you choose comes from a reputable source with independent lab tests to verify safety and effectiveness. Quality, safety and effectiveness of grapefruit seed extract may vary among different brands.

Discover why you should avoid products with benzethonium chloride, triclosan and methylparaben.

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Friday, November 03, 2006

What You Need to Know About Codex Alimentarius

This video is the best explanation I've seen and heard about Codex Alimentarius. It's a little long, but I recommend you take the time and watch it to the end.

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Please take action. Sign the petition. YOUR HEALTH IS AT STAKE!